Friends Aqua Water Sports

Friends aqua water sports



You don’t know which activity to choose? Here are our best seller activities that you can enjoy alone or along with your friends and family!

Jet car ride dubai
Friends Aqua Watersports owns three water cars each a different color ranging from green, red and white. Our water cars are each equipped with a 1800cc super charged engine, 4 Bluetooth speakers, spoiler and mirrors.
Banana ride in dubai
Customers looking for a rush will be glad to know that Friends Aqua Watersports owns a Banana. The floating banana is pulled by our speedboat and ensures a pleasurable experience whilst safety measures are guaranteed.
Parasailing ride in dubai
Enjoy Dubai’s beautiful skyline with Friends Aqua Watersports parasailing offers.
waterski dubai
Water sports enthusiasts will be happy to know that Friends Aqua Watersports offers water ski.
kayak dubai
Enjoy Dubai’s beautiful ocean with Friends Aqua Watersports’ kayaks.
wakeboard dubai
Looking to test your skills! Friends Aqua Watersports’ wakeboard ride is sure to satisfy
donut dubai

Friends Aqua Watersports owns a Donut which is pulled by our speedboat offering customers and their friends a group activity they will not forget.

fishing boat in dubai

Amateurs of fishing will be glad to learn about Friends Aqua Watersports fishing cruise services.

fly board in dubai
Experience new sensations with the fly board activity in Dubai. Rise above the sea and dive, during this exciting water sport experience.
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